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 twGetGlobal( nHndl )

     twGetGlobal() returns the current setting of a global variable you
     have previously defined. It is most efficient to use this function
     in a manifest constant definition in you system header file. Some
     common uses are to ensure constancy in system wide colour
     definitions and printer queues.


     nHndl - 'N' The position in your array of definitions passed with
                 twInitGlobal() of the handle returned when you add a
                 global with twAddGlobal().


     Current global variable setting.


     #define NORMALCOLOR       twGetGlobal( 3 )
     #define NORMALFRAMECOLOR  twGetGlobal( 4 )

See Also: twInitGlobal() twDelGlobal() twSetGlobal() twAddGlobal()
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